We’re back! The first Club Imagine takes place 1,2, and 3 March again at LAB111.As you might expect from ours, it’s a solid mix of new and old, one-offs and previews sensitive and gory.
At least the latter category includes Alberto Corredor’s Baghead, in which a young woman discovers that the pub she inherited from her father has more in the cellar than its liquor supply.

A very different kind of blood is found in Asphalt City, in which a young paramedic learns the limits of life and death in New York’s nocturnal selves. Sean Penn is terrific as the cynical, experienced rock who teaches his young colleague the mores of the profession.
A very different lesson is learned by Congolese Koffi, when he and his pregnant wife visit family in Kinshasa and encounter exclusion and superstition. Augure (Omen) is dynamic and energetic magical realism in which director Baloji has drawn emphatically from his own life.
That a dystopian film can also have heart, Canadian Kim Albricht shows in her With Love and a Major Organ, which mixes clever sci-fi with the best tropes of romantic comedy and a dash of wry humour. The most unusual romance of the year!
Also dystopian but less romantic is Lizzie Borden’s explosive classic Born in Flames (1983), set in a socialist United States, in which various groups of women revolt to force greater equality.
No Imagine without anime, and with City Hunter the Movie: Angel Dust, we follow private detectives Ryo and Kaori on a dangerous mission. Biotech company Zoltic has the invention Angel Dust that turns soldiers into supermen. Only Ryo and Kaori seem to be able to avert disaster.
As always, Club Imagine takes place at LAB111 and ticket sales start today!