Interactive VR that lets you take matters into your own hands, following a planetary showdown in deep space using your fingertips.

Way out in space, there's this fella named Oto. He's the man for his time and place. He fits perfectly on his tiny little planet, and when life gives him lemons, he'll make a lemonade. Life's a breeze… until an entitled space castaway crashes into his world. 

Oto's Planet won the Venice Film Festival Immersive Special Jury Prize this year. Imagine a twin brother of Jeff Lebowski inhabiting a self-sustainable planet, unbothered and thriving. Oto spends his days swinging in a hammock, enjoying the fruits of his planet’s only tree. His peace comes tumbling down when a colonizer lands on his planet, bringing greed, ownership and competition with him. Oto’s Planet uses a unique hand-operated interface, beautifully crafted characters, and dark humour to invite spectators on a thought-provoking exploration of coexistence and the impact of external forces on a delicate ecosystem. 

28 minutes
Luxembourg, Canada, France
Gwenael François