Call for submissions – European Genre Forum 2025!
The European Genre Forum, a six-month training cycle for emerging European genre filmmakers, opens a call for submissions for 2025. In three talent labs between July and November, the EGF gives fantastic film projects a boost artistically, businesswise and in understanding its audience potential.
The European Genre Forum provides comprehensive cross-sector and film life cycle training for professionals working in European genre and fantastic film. It is aimed at European first or second feature film directors and their teams developing a genre film project. Genre films and related genres include horror, science fiction, fantasy, anime, dark thrillers, dark comedies, mystery, adventure and martial arts. Documentaries with a focus on genre film or topic can also be considered.
The European Genre Forum is a collaboration between the Imagine Fantastic Film Festival in Amsterdam, Fantastic Zagreb Film Festival, and the Black Nights Film Festival in Tallinn. Now in its 11th year, it has 72 genre film projects under its belt. It has established itself as a recognized learning platform for professionals working in European genre and fantastic film industry, with fruitful collaborations with the BIF Market (part of the Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival) as well as other events. Former projects had their world premieres at Sundance, Tribeca, Fantastic Fest and others.
Each year, eight projects are selected for the training cycle, which consists of three talent labs. Together, these labs will increase the level of the participating projects in every aspect: creatively, financially, and in terms of access to audiences.
• The Screenwriting & Directing Lab (Zagreb, July) focuses on script development and other artistic aspects of the projects.
• The Producing Lab (Amsterdam, November) is aimed at the business side, with coproduction and legal aspects among its topics.
• The Marketing & Packaging Lab (Tallinn, November) revolves around pitching, packaging, marketing and sales. The projects will be pitching to the international
audience of film professionals and have one-to-one meetings with attending professionals.
The call for projects in now open. Please find all information, terms and conditions and the submission form on
Submission Deadline Sunday, 16 March 2025, Midnight CET