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For the Industry programme at the 2024 edition of Imagine Fantastic Film Festival, we’re looking forward to welcoming a talented group of Dutch genre creators. After sending in their projects, six filmmakers and four projects were selected for Imagine Fantastic Talents 2024 and Imagine Project Platform 2024, respectively. These programmes aim to support both new and experienced genre filmmakers through professional sessions and masterclasses (IFT) and tailored feedback and support by international experts, in addition to an opportunity to participate in the Frontières co-production market in Montreal (IPP). 

Imagine Fantastic Talents 2024

The contestants joining Fantastic Talents 2024 are Aswin Baaijens, Claire Bontje, Daan Bunnink, Nohaila Gamah, Pim Vogels and Tjeerd Dam. Congratulations! The filmmakers will follow a three-day programme, and will participate in group sessions and masterclasses led by established editors, directors, script coaches and writers such as Chris Mitchell, Sarieke Hoeksma, Kate Leys, Tim Koomen and David-Jan Bronsgeest. 

Imagine Project Platform 2024

The four projects selected for Imagine Project Platform 2024 are:

  • Was – Flynn von Kleist (director), Jilt Jorritsma (writer), Guusje van Deuren, 100% (producer)
  • Real Blood – Joeri Pruys (director, writer, producer), Ewoud Bon, Rainproof Media (producer)
  • The Familiar – Matthijs van Heinigen (director), Mischa Alexander (writer), Jochum ten Haaf (writer), Alain de Levita, Dark Alley Pictures (producer)
  • Camouflage: The Series – Remco Polman (director, writer), Jantiene de Kroon, Mooves (writer, producer), Wilfred Ottenheim (co-writer, storyboarder) 

Congrats! These filmmakers will receive feedback and personal guidance for their scripts, and pitch their projects at Imagine. The winner of the 2024 Pitch Award will get a chance to visit Frontières.

Imagine Industry will take place from 29 October – 1 November at LAB111 in Amsterdam. You can find more information on the Fantastic Talents and Project Platform web pages.

Images: Above: Still from Jimmy (2024), once pitched at Imagine as a short film. Below: The winning project of 2022’s Pitch Award, Alice.